In the heart of Hwedza ward four, a small rural community in Zimbabwe, a group of women had gathered to share their excitement and achievements. They had been trained in financial literacy through the Village Savings and Lending Association (VSLA) program by SOS Children’s Villages Family Strengthening Program (SOSCV FSP), and the impact is evident. The group, called Tamuka, has taken the skills they have learnt and turned it into a reality by starting a goat-rearing project. With a collective effort, they raised funds, bought thirty goats, and were now reaping the rewards.
“We never thought we could do this,” said one of the members, Fadzai*. “But after the training, we realized that we had the power to change our lives,’ she continued. The group’s leader, Lovemore* explained how they had divided the goats among the ten members. “We took turns looking after them and now each member has three goats. It has been a game-changer for us. We will be able to send our children to school and buy food for our families.”
As they spoke, other women from the community gathered around, curious about their success. “We have seen how Tamuka has grown,” said one of them. “Now we want to do the same.” A young woman named Sylvia*, another member of Tamuka, spoke up. “I never thought I could be a businesswoman,” she said. “But after the training, I realized that I had the potential. Now I’m proud of what I have achieved.” The group’s success has created a ripple effect in the community. More women are now joining VSLA groups and starting their own projects. The once-small rural community is now buzzing with entrepreneurial spirit. As Lovemore explained, “We’re not just doing this for ourselves; we’re doing it for our families too. We’re sending our children to school and buying food for them because of this project.” The impact of Tamuka’s success is not just financial; it is also emotional. The women have gained confidence and a sense of purpose. The women of Tamuka are living proof that with hard work and determination, anything is possible. They are an inspiration to other women in their community and beyond.
NB: *not their real names